The Interweave

Human society is driven by the interweave of our separate identities.

It is our capacity to build and work within the warp and weft of that interchange that creates relationships, and it is our capacity to make our distinctly human relationships that makes us unique in the known universe.

These relationships have multiple facets driven by the unique qualities we each carry.  These relationships allow us to respect and support our mutual independence and our common co-dependence in the ebb and flow of each day, or neglect to respect.

This is the beating heart of the social dance we begin learning before birth and is the functional core that enables and drives our exceptional capacity to learn, to co-exist in an emotional universe, to navigate the range of possibilities our senses present.  It is the impetus for our capacity to think and act creatively, and for billions of us to co-exist on a single planet.

At its worst, it has us crushing each other when conflicting expectations and perceived needs leave us unable to find a cooperative or constructive path.  At its best it finds us in loving, constructive cooperation.

Whether we perceive a world of our demonic enemies versus our friendly allies, or a world of individuals with a common fundamental core in billions of flavors is a perceptual, belief driven outcome of our learning experiences, our beliefs, our expectations and our social capacity.  Combined these make us individual, and our individuality makes us capable of being both lovers and haters, confidently secure and frightfully insecure, dreamers and problem solvers, visionaries and tinkerers, collaborators or opponents, potential friends or perceived enemies – in our classrooms, in our communities, in our politics, and on the global stage.

These are choices we make.  Our choices leave a trail, evidence of our outcomes, our intents and the values embedded in our accomplishments.

The Blending Edge

We were talking about this curve over a cup of coffee when something struck us – technology adoption is not the real challenge, nor is adopting a new solution. Instead we frame this challenge as the ability to adapt to changing needs and conditions in our schools, of our teachers,…

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Part 3: A Catalytic Framework

Foundations for Young Adult Success: A Developmental Framework by the University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research (UChicago CCSR) This report by the Chicago Consortium on School Research and funded by the Wallace Foundation, is focused on teaching – but not in the way so much discussion of teaching…

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Part 2: Catalytic Learning

Based on New School Venture Fund Blog by Stacey Childress and co-authors – Dissatisfied Yet Optimistic: Moving Faster Toward New School Models (contains link to PDF copy of paper) A Theory of Change: What it Will Take to Redesign Schooling over the Next Decade Everett Rogers developed an adoption…

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Part 1: Catalytic Flow

We have served many roles in the development of schools. The concept of serving as “Catalytic Agents” in generating “Flow” is a conceptualization of that effort we think fits with our efforts and intent – where our strengths have emerged are in: • Facilitating development of coherent plans, and preparing…

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Catalytic Engagement in Three Parts

When, where and how can we most effectively engage in delivering positive outcomes for students, teachers and school leaders?  We devote much of our time to thinking about the challenges presented by instilling better outcomes, not directly, usually, but it is what emerges when we get reflective about what, when,…

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Complexity in schools in 3D

Many of the connections among the traditions in our schools have obvious links – teachers/resources/instruction, or students/ instruction/teachers/outcomes – while others are more complex.  This complexity of schooling – school leader as advocate for the students, or the range of items that might be considered as resources beyond instructional materials…

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Improving education stats

Linda found this one: Arun Ramanathan of Pivot Learning Partners on statistics in education and statistics in baseball. image source: “So, why is education so old school?” …and not just the data… • We’re talking about public money so accountability is a must, but do we have to…

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Blending Learning or Blended Learning

The past half a dozen years have brought substantial discussion about blended learning – model maps, resources, strategies, personalized outcomes. I could try trashing “blended learning” by calling it what happens when all those learning resources are poured into the spout of the kitchen blender and the resulting “health food”…

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